Sustainability at RRAJ Bioplast
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein
An (im)Possible World
There is a world that we can choose to live in devoid of a conscious effort to make it better. It is filled with businesses choosing to look the other way, not finding elegant solutions to immediate problems. The idea around sustainable manufacturing often lacks in creating circularity in their business processes, especially when it comes to industries dealing with potentially problematic materials for the environment. At RRAJ Bioplast, we chose to make a difference, we have decided to focus on the immediacy of the problem at hand and build on with sustainability and circularity in our approach to manufacturing.
The world we choose to build is one where responsibility, innovation and enabling mindful solutions becomes a key part of how we look at business. The need to diversify the business doesn’t necessarily always mean scale needs to be supplemented with un-sustainable practices, at RRAJ we wish to use our business to protect nature. To be able to convert industry wide waste byproducts into an ingredient to replace fossil fuel based plastic, is a huge step forward for a legacy business like ours looking to not just modernise, but also be relevant to a larger sub-set of industries and end user applications.
As the next generation of our business, with RRAJ Bioplast we feel much like the world, the responsibility is in our hands to make this a more responsible and mindful world for our future generations.